As the lovely birthday celebrant Anna pointed out, who can refuse a cheap beer and burger deal and alliteration? But seriously, Melbourne’s favourite non-blogging food blogger was celebrating – who could miss it for the world? 1000 Pound Bend has been around for quite some time and they even have a Cafe Poet but to be honest, I’d been too wimpy to go. It would appear it’s not hipsters who have a problem with me, maybe I’m the hipster racist! I like the inclusive ones, honest! There just doesn’t seem to be many of them…
Anyway. Anna’s birthday. As soon as I got through the door, a jam jar of mulled wine (or three) was the ticket. Melbourne had been gorgeous all day and then fog descended like mad and it got fucking freezing. They really hit the spot.
An amusing blog post has been making the rounds of late and I realised that, sadly for you, dear reader, I identify with quite a few types. My personal favourite is this one:
The Literary wannabe
Probably the least read of the tribe. Pepper their posts with writerly posturings and clumsy literary references that any grade five kid could recognise.
Oh so guilty as charged. However, this post conforms to another one of the types listed which to be honest I find a little less shameful:
The βwhat I ate last nightβ crowd
Totally pre-occupied with explaining in excruciating detail, the contents of their bowl of Weetbix and milk
I guess one of the reasons I find the latter less shameful especially in this particular situation is, laugh if you want, but often looking back on this food blog has been a chronicle of really positive memories and meeting people who have given off those vibes. It’s also been a lovely pleasant distraction from not being able to write any poetry, or find readers for said poetry when written. Of course there’s nothing wrong with your friends not wanting to read your poetry (it is nice when they invariably do) but when an activity like that means the world to you and you have no audience, it gets very lonely.
So my apologies – you’re reading about the burger, beer and cake I had the other night at some trendy joint because I’m trying not to sook about my ignored, appalling poetry!
Personal disappointments aside, there are a few reasons you should probably check out 1000 Pound Bend if you’re in the area and particularly on a Tuesday night. $2.50 pots of St Jerome’s Caledonian lager and $8 burgers – you can choose from a patty of roo, chicken or saganaki. I know Anna went the saganaki. I had a roo one which while absolutely delicious is not a first date experience: you’ll get it all over your hands and all around your mouth and one napkin will not be enough to save your dignity.
Tristan came fashionably late (a few folks did have an half-hour wait at some stage in the night because the burgers were very popular, do note) and his order got a little lost in the matrix and only chicken was available to him. I believe you need to turn up between 5-11pm for the cheap beer and burgers.
I may have got a little enthusiastic about eating my burger, so much so that I nearly inadvertently body modified my lip with a skewer piercing. Uh yeah, remove the skewer before you eat your burger, folks, even though it will fall apart. You can see how they would be unwieldy – look at it, leaning all Tower of Pisa-like. Beautiful sweet-sour relish and a not too gamey pattie. Could’ve had two, really.
Billy of course had his burger-eating technique down-pat: the trick is to take the top of your burger bun, scoop out the soft underneath, replace and then proceed to eat like a…fast food burger, and with some dignity. Both in Melbourne eatery and kitchen know-how, Billy really never fails to make my jaw drop (unfair, man). On this particular night it was directly because of the lovely birthday cake he made with Penny and Henry’s help. He is going to make the best guncle ever to future nephews and nieces.
Of course it was delicious, the birthday celebrant loved it and Billy sliced it and doled it out like a pro. Truly.
The venue were kind enough to supply extra crockery and cutlery.
A wonderful night was had by all. Happy birthday, dearest Anna!

As per your request, the burger cake was hazelnut chiffon base, topped with a chocolate pound cake patty, criminal amounts of fondant icing vegetables and cheese, gelled with a sour cream frosting mayo, and topped off with an orange chiffon bun top.
More details here:
Thanks muchly Billy! I didn’t want to be too much of a food blog wanker on the night and take notes :p
Oooh 1000 pound bend have mulled wine? Omnom! π I’m actually quite surprised how good the burger looks! I always had the impression they were well…just a cool hipster place to have coffees and beers at and that there wasn’t so much emphasis on the food. We’re all proven wrong sometimes though…
Yep! The mulled wine needs to be served in bigger jars, it’s so nice! I found the staff to be lovely and well, Anna’s friends are sweet but that naturally goes with sweet people attracting sweet friends π some of the not-known clientele did look scary though…giggle.
Mind you, even they were impressed by the CAKE.
I’ve only ever had a coffee there… should def go back for what sounds like a hell of a burger. And that CAKE! That is a thing of beauty, seriously.
I know, how gorgeous is the cake! I have this personal theory that it’s always one’s best friends that make each other the best birthday cake. Even wrote a poem about it π
!! That cake is awesome! I had to read the comments to confirm that it actually was a cake! Well done to you friends π
It really did look like a burger from afar π
Very nice. For some reason i feel very hungry right now π