I miss Alex.
There, I admitted it.
Months and months of trawling through random bits of paper and I found a (deliberately) silly poem I wrote about Lenin, Russia and global warming on a receipt. On the other half, I found coffee blends and single origins he’d recommended to me and realised I missed him quite a bit, despite having seen a fair bit of him for some serious fat bastardry in Hong Kong this January just passed (he’s actually a killer karaoke singer – wouldn’t have picked that).
Though Alex looks to give the impression that he’d be the first person in the world to possibly accidentally offend you, one of the things I’ve always admired about him is that if you straight-up say “I have no knowledge of <insert appropriate topic here>” then he is happy to share the knowledge he’s acquired in said area.
I’d initially met him at a Libertine pigfest that I’d somehow successfully managed to arrange and so we got to chat more via that dreaded microblogging social platform and confessed, look, I can’t drink a lot of coffee due to side effects of meds AND idiot IBS, but I want to learn more. Care to help a nigga out?
Thus, he took me to Seven Seeds and my coffee initiation begun.
I think that date we had four or so coffees each – I had as much as I knew my body would handle – espresso, the Magic (a double ristretto in case Courtney crucifies me for referring to it as thus), Clover, long black.
Man, why didn’t Seven Seeds exist when I was actually still at bloody uni? No matter, I was stuck in a soulless job just round the corner (though many of my bosses and coworkers were rad) and it became my pre-work ritual to pick up a soy Magic with the SS house blend. Pretty sure that their soy Magics are what kept me sane. I remember negotiating door, takeaway coffee and various things in hands and once dropping said takeaway coffee on floor. People from another project rushed to my aid but it wasn’t the humiliation, it was the sheer loss of wondrous caffeine goodness that I most lamented. Screw my dignity.
On the more common occasions, I’d show up with a grin (don’t worry, the grin wouldn’t be around for too long after), sipping my precious. “Where did you get that?” my favourite team leader would ask. “Oh, Seven Seeds, just up the road a bit…” and after explaining just how far, it was vetoed as a work coffee run place due to being too far.
Oh, did I mention they do great nibblies too? I never feel lonely eating here by myself – the staff are always so lovely and happy to explain the coffee to you till the moment of epiphany hits. Here’s one of the heartier baked beany type meals I had. Infinite comfort food.
If you want something more breakfasty rather than brunchy, then how about granola?
Or if you’ve survived an onslaught with the public and private health system (as I seem to be doing of late) and are feeling like a treat, then go with the special of the day – smoked salmon, radish, red onion, watercress, rocket and mixed salad with creme fraiche dressing – salut, Monsieur Decadence.
If you can’t eat in, then why not grab a takeaway coffee and some delectable snacky-wacks? I admit these were initially chosen due to their looks but they most certainly did not disappoint. You can see they are divided exactly down the middle so no one has to fight for their share…
It’s not just a Carlton institution, it’s a coffee institution. Still feels weird to visit now that Alex isn’t in Melbourne anymore, but it’s a treasured haunt.

Nawww. I miss you too Gem, there I said it.
I’m totally flattered that you’d partially dedicate a post to me.
Come back to Hong Kong soon and we shall enjoy yet more fat bastardry.
You two are such pussies!
I agree with Gem, it was better when you were around. Melbourne feels so empty without you *breaks down in puddle of tears*.
Speaking of Alex and Seven Seeds, I saw Alex (Anderson) at CoT this morning, on the same day this was published. Spooky or lame connection? I’ll let you decide.
You should have seen my face light up when I found that receipt, bro! I was like “found that fucking poem!”, then saw your coffee recs and realised that they must’ve been from around when we first met.
About bloody time I wrote about Seven Seeds. See you again in HK baby.
hello! first time visiting – just subscribed to your RSS.
i beyond love seven seeds, and was happy to see your great review. looking forward to seeing what else is up around here.
Thanks for the visit, and the kind words – Seven Seeds holds a special place in our coffee wankery hearts. Tris and I pretty much invent reasons to drive by even when it’s not on the way 🙂
Bloody Delish! Love the way you write, puts me slam bang in the middle of your visits, I feel like I am there. Such a fan of Smoked Salmon, that salad looks divine! 🙂
Love the coffee – tried mocha and latte. Yet to try the breakfast set. Good to get a cup of coffee in a busy Sunday morning!