A good mate of mine, Rich, said he works opposite a great pho place and said a few of us should go for dinner one day. Unbeknownst to me, he meant one I’d been to before. Pho Chu The Bo Ga is always packed. If you want to eat there, then this is something you will need to bear in mind when you arrive. The stream of diners coming and going is pretty constant so don’t be put off if you need to wait.
Because I didn’t dip my tripe in hoisin as recommended by Vietnamese cuisine aficionado Billy on my previous pho outing, I went the special beef pho. It has tripe, sliced beef and beef balls. Normally beef or fish balls taste a bit…dodgy, but the ones in this were freaking delicious.
Tris went the sliced beef and beef brisket. Sorry about the blurry photo. The beef is always thinly sliced and tender.
Everyone who went to the inaugural phoTUB was here, plus Rich. Most of them went for plain beef pho. The service here is great – fast, always super-friendly and efficient. Rich actually told us that he calls them up to order and they bring him his pho across the road. When he finishes, he takes the bowls back and pays. How is that for takeaway?
It was great to go again.

How am I not at something called phoTUB? Surely such an event is my raison d’etre?
In any case, glad to see you’re pho-ing it up! I know you had the ta pin lu (chicken and beef special) already, but next we’ll move you on to the special chicken pho, with offal. You’ra all cool with congealed blood, yes?
My bad Billy – mind you, we’re all n00bs. You’re the Chairman Kaga of pho.
I used to love blood sausage/pudding in England as a kid apparently, so maybe it’s time to rekindle the British childhood love?
@Billy would you consider holding pho master classes to educate us, the unwashed masses? :p
The pho, as always, was delicious 🙂
I still prefer ramen though *runs and hides*
I am PHO-ing tonight with PHO GURU BIlly.
Good thing there’s plenty of Billy to go around. w00t!
mmm, sweet sweet pho….
Just want to raise to your attention and spreading the word that the original owners in that establishment has moved a few doors down to 264 and their urbansoon page has been hijacked by the people that bought the name off them who also removed all negative feedback with relation to their restaurant.