Category Archives: meta om-nom-nom

posts about media about food – you were warned it was (arts-wank, not tech) ‘meta’.

quick gulps

Been an interesting year…so here’s the cricket highlights:

I wrote regularly for Froth! I continue on a somewhat self-serving quest to bring bookish types to beer, and beer nerds to not mind awkward book nerds so much by matching books and beer each month. You can see some of the multi-sensory deliciousness over on my Instagram account. I’ll eventually scan and upload what I’ve written and post here, BUT if you have any interest in beer, you should subscribe because so much of the mag is actual fun for all the families!

I made close mates. One of them very sadly lives in a completely different city to me, but we collaborated and are just awaiting illustrations on a zine dedicated to the Bloody Mary.

Some amazing places accepted my poetry and creative non-fiction prose, and I performed as a singer/musician in two separate performances in Melbourne. This means I also need to update my CV, and the ‘about’ page on this blog. Go buy some copies of Concrete Queers, and F*EMS zines, please!

I’m catsitting for another good friend I made this year, and while my living situation has been far from stable and ideal, crushes still want to hang around me/stick around, so that’s been nice too. Sometimes they’re impressed by my cooking, ha!

Cricket highlight conclusion: been a rough trot but yielded many good habits for next year, personally and professionally. People keep mistaking me for a being a vegetarian (?!?!) and next year, I’m going to make an effort to eat and prepare more vegan food. I drink a lot less alcohol now that I can actually (for the most part) sleep! It’s been great rediscovering coffee, and drinking more tea than ever, as always. I still want more cats, tea, and good lit(erature).

the end of the blog

It isn’t that not much has been going on but rather, there’s been a distinct lack of ways to marry alcohol and gustatory narratives into something remotely consumable to the current hyperlocal  readership. That and a couple of books have been doing my head in – Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma, and Paul Muldoon’s The End of the Poem.

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bright yum things

Tech wrestling, sigh. It can break the smartest of folks. Not unusually, I was feeling pretty stupid about a recent ‘save your damn draft’ cage match on another blogging platform. It left me wanting for merriment and good cheer. That led to thoughts of (DROWN YOUR SORROWS IN) alcohol – specifically, beer – but I didn’t actually do so. Some grown-up characteristic decided to exercise its right to self-care. Bet my endocrine system was rejoicing over that one.

The next best thing seemed to be flipping through copies and reviews of drink-themed zines. This was during International Zine Month (July) where I was busily reading, writing and just admiring anything and everything ‘zine’ (being a non-maker). Oh yeah, didn’t I once write about a few beer and food-obsession/curation zines? Eons ago? Indeed!

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