This entire website and its content has been produced on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation. I pay my respect to elders past, present and future. Sovereignty was never ceded. This is stolen land.
The serious adult part.
My name is Gemma Mahadeo, I’m a Melbourne-based writer (poet, reviewer) and occasional performer (musician). I identify as a queer non-binary person, and a person of colour. Yes, I will go on about this, because it’s important. My pronouns are they/them (though if you’re bio-fam, then she/her is okay, and he/him is totally fine – it’s the assuming I identify with the female gender 100% that is going to piss me off).
no, really, where are you really from?
My mother is from the Philippines (Spanish-Filipino heritage), my father is from Guyana (Indian heritage) and he identifies as West Indian/Caribbean. I identify as Anglo-Indian and (Eur-)Asian, having spent my childhood in south-east London (south of the Thames), and the village my mother is from in Cardona, Rizal. I’ve spent most of my life in Melbourne (north of the Yarra, thank you). I’m multilingual. My languages are, in order of fluency: (British) English, French, and Tagalog (main dialect of Filipino). I’m a British citizen, Australian permanent resident.
find me on social media <3
Twitter: @snarkattack (for all the books/writing/femmo/cat & music obsession stuff) / @eatdrinkstagger (mainly food & beer stuff)
Instagram: @eatdrinkstagger
Facebook: eat, drink, stagger (well, duh; like my page? pls? <3)
Patreon: Gemma Mahadeo / eat drink stagger (would LOVE your financial support!)